Saturday, May 12, 2012

Language Testing Group 7



Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Haluoleo University

The purpose of this project to collect some example of test. In here, there are some test that would be show to the reader. Not only about test that we want to show, but also how we get the test, what level that appropriate with the test, and source of the test.
In this project, we want to show kinds of the test that always appear in this school. We as writer try to make significant about the test.

1. Kinds of the test.
Writing Tests
 Telling images
 Make acronym
 Write-free
Reading Tests
 Complete the reading test
 Answer the question
 Summarize content of reading
Grammar Test
 Test the formation of words
 Test phrase formation
 Test sentence formation

2. The process get the test
            We collect the tests based on the book that Senior high school used. We work together to make our project perfect and the reader can understanding what the aim our project.

3. The level
            The level of the tests is Senior High School first year.

4. The sources
            We put bibliography at the end of this paper, So the reader can show our source in the end of paper.

Writing Test
1. This is the example of free-writing test in writing recount text (diary)
Activity 1
Answer the following questions
1.      Do you have a diary?
2.      What do people usually write in it?
3.      What sort of advantages can people get from writing it?
4.      Have you ever written your past experience in a diary?
5.      If yes, what was it about?
Activity 2
Pay attention to the following diary. Answer the question that follows
March, 28 th 2012
08.00 p.m
This morning Andika called me. I was surprised.
I wondered from whom he got my cell phone number,
Confuse, happy, speechless. My heart beat faster when I heard his voice
1.      When did Luna write her diary above?
2.      Who called her?
3.      How did she feel when Andika got her number?
4.      Did she know where Andika got her number?
5.      How is Luna’s feeling for Andika? Do you think she likes him?
Your Project !
Double Bracket: You might have an interesting experience lately. Write it in your diary. It wills so much fun when you read what you have written a few years later
Activity 3
Yesterday, Vicky had a birthday for her friend. She made a list of things she had to do before the party. She put the things on her list in time order. Use her list to write a paragraph about the things she had to do. Remember to begin with a topic sentence and use signal words.
·         Buy food for dinner at supermarket
·         Pick up birthday cake at bakery
·         Clean house
·         Make dinner
·         Wrap present
·         Set table
Activity 4
Work in groups of four and everyone should share his/her unforgettable experience. Decide one that the groups think is the most unforgettable. Then write a diary and tell it in front of the class.
2. This is the example of writing test (developing a paragraph of narrative text)
Activity 1
Study the following stories. One of the stories does not make sense because the sentences are not in the right order. Which one is it?
Story A
This made the store owner so angry that he gave him a few blows. In the end, the silly mad had not only to pay for the damaged goods but also to return home empty-handed. Worried that he would be cheated, the wife instructed him to test the bowl by filling it with some water and try the hat on before buying it. He tried to fit the bowl onto his head, breaking the bowl in the process. And he poured water into the hat, destroying it. But the silly man got the instruction mixed up. One day, the wife of foolish man sent him to buy an earthen bowl and a horsehair hat. (Taken from 366 and More Fairy Tales)
Story b
In a blacksmith store, one day an old man walked in and asked the blacksmith to show him his best sword. With pride the blacksmith showed large and shimmering sword. The old man held the sword in his hand and swung it several times. “This is a nice sword but the handle is not very comfortable, I bet that it will break even when you try to cut wood with it.” The blacksmith was very furious. “I am the best blacksmith in this town!” he said. But the old man’s words kept ringing in his ears. So he immediately tried to cut some wood with the sword. The sword broken instantly. The blacksmith realized that the old man was right. He was not the best blacksmith. He decided to improve his skill in making swords by learning from other people.
 (Taken from 366 and More Fairy Tales)
Activity 2
Compare the stories in activity 4. Rewrite the story A so that the sentences are in the right order. Then decide its main idea and supporting ideas. You can use story B as an example.
3. This is the example of writing (writing short instruction)
Activity 1
Rearrange this jumbled text into the good order
·         When the rice is cooked, add it to the meat and the vegetables
·         Now, you can break in two or three eggs
·         The best vegetables to use are onions, garlic, tomatoes and cucumber
·         At the same time, cook the rice in another pan
·         Stir the mixture and add salt, pepper and other spices
·         Finally, cut up a cucumber into thin slices and place the slices on top of the rice
·         To make fried rice, you will need some rice, vegetables, meat and eggs
·         Then, cut up the onions and garlic and fry them.
·         Serve the fried rice with hot sauce if you like
·         First, cut up the meat into very small pieces and fry it in a pan
Activity 2
Work in groups and arrange the following text into appropriate order. Rewrite it using your own words
·         Then you put in the tape on it
·         After that you connected
·         Finally pressed down the record and play button microphone
·         And then tested the voice level recorder
·         Well, first you have to plug in the cord
·         Then you can begin to record it
Activity 3
Now write one of the instructions based on the following procedures. Work individually.
·         How to use a washing machine
·         How to operate a computer
·         How to use ATM machine
·         How to open an account at a bank
·         How to use a VCD/DVD player
3. This is the example of writing (writing short description and information in a descriptive text
Activity 1
Write a description text individually!
Double Bracket: Have you ever visited Bali or another famous tourist resort in Indonesia? Write the description about it in a paper. Compare it to your friend.
Activity 2
With your friend, make announcement containing information about your school’s activities e.g. study tour, camping, hiking, singing contest, etc.
4. This is the example of writing test (Developing paragraph of news item texts and writing new news item text)
Activity 1
Work in groups and rewrite the following news report in your own words. Then present it to the class.
            There was a fire at the Plaza Hotel on Jalan Ciomas at 1.30 am last night. Most of the 74 guests had already gone to bed when the fire stared on third floor. The hotel manager, Mr.Iwan Sugiarto, said the fire had started in a guest bedroom. A guest had fallen asleep while smoking a cigarette. The gueat was badly injured in the fire, but the other entire guest escaped safely. By the time the fire had spread to the fourth floors of the hotel. Mr. Sugiarto said the fire had caused over US$70,000 worth of damage to the hotel.
Describe the picture below by your own words! And perform it in front of the class!


Reading Test
1.1 Example of complete text
·         Complete the dialogue with the expressions in the box.
Rina                 : ………. (1)
Mrs. Dame      : What is it, Dear?
Rina                 : It’s about my dad ! Lately, he has been snoring in his sleep I can hear                                 his snoring from my room. It is pretty loud ………… (2)
·         Complete the following conversation using the appropriate expression of regret and relief in the box
- What a relief
- Oh, what I have done
- I should have studied harder
- I’m glad I can finally go
- I’m really glad about it
Meilan             : Nube, what do you get for your English test?
Putri    : I got 90. What about you ?
Meilan             : I only got 59. ……….. (1)
Putri : That’s OK. There will be a remedial test tomorrow. You can join and repair your     mark.

1.2 Example of answering question
·         Answer these question based on the dialogue above.
1. What does Rina ask to Mrs. Dame ?
2. According to Mrs. Dame, what causes people to snore ?
3. Is Rina father a large man ?
·         Answer the following  question based on the text above.
1. What is offered as an alternative to overcome the crisis of energy?
2. Why do people agree with nuclear energy ?
3. What are the advantages of nuclear energy ?

1.3 Example of summary the content of text
·         What’s the conclusion of the text above ?

·        Test structure / grammar
Test structure is the section that corelation with ordering of word in the words series. It is produce phrase and sentences. The word series constitute the sentences, when there contained subject and predicate. A sentence is the little sections in expression that talking about mind. Whereas, in the phrase is correlation with the words that characterization non-predicative.
Test structure/ grammar consist of
1.      Formation of word test
2.      Formation of phrase test
3.      Formation of sentences test.
a.        formation of word test (test pembentukan kata)
1.      Show the orign word
Example :
Ø  Nuri (lock) all the doors before he (go) to visit his friend.
Answer: Nuri had locked all the doors before he went to visit his friend.
(task 3 change the verbs in the brackets into the simple past or the past perfect tense p.13)
2.      Membentuk kata turunan
Example :
Ø  I am (wait)-ing for you
Ø  She (look)-ing after the baby while the parents are out.
(study the following examples, p.62)
b.      Formation of phrase test
1.      Arrange the words
Ø After Mrs. Dwi (explain) the topic, she (give) her students the exercise
Answer : expalined, gave
(task 3 change the verbs in the brackets into the simple past or the past perfect tense p.13)
2.      Making the phrase
Ø A (read-plastik-cheap) raincoat
Answer : a cheap red plastic raincoat
(task 4 put the adjectives in the brackets into their correct order p.14 )
c.       Formation of sentences test
1.      Knowing the sentences
Example :
Ø  The charming young princess called Cinderella
(study these example p. 13)
2.      Making sentence
Ø  Dimas (say) that he (lose) his wallet
Answer : said-------had lost
(task 3 change the verbs in the brackets into the simple past or the past perfect tense p.13)
3.      Arrange the sentence
Ø With- me – come – you – can -?
(task 16 arrange the following words to make complete and correct sentences)
4.      Change the sentence
a.      Request sentence
Can you give me directions ?
(grammar spot p.76)
b. Active voice
People play some instrument
c.  Pacive voice
Some instrument are played by people.
(task 11 complete the following dialogues p.45)
d.  Future promise, plan
The problems might be serious
(grammar spot p.76)
Sundayana, wachyu contextual learning. Bandung: Grafindo Media Pratama
Herminto, sudi . 2001. Acuan pengayaan bahasa inggris. Solo : Pt.Nyata grafika media surakarta


La Ode Karmin said...

Good test, the test appropriate for student, because the test have standard and can evaluated

Salmatian Safiuddin said...

Hello everyone! I agree with Karmin statement that it is a good test because the writers put some tests that can be used for teacher to evaluate the teaching learning process. However, it will be better if the writers put their name on the top of this project, put an introduction and the purpose of the test also the most important things in order the readers know well the aims of the project. Not only take the sample of the test but also put the sources in the bottom of the test will ensure the readers about the references, it will show that it is the academic one. I recommend for the writers or collectors to give brief explanation or an analysis about the test (it is like a point of view from the collectors) it really help the readers to have a schemata about the test and showing the level which appropriate with the test is also a good idea Thank You.


Nasmah Riyani_ Well, thank you for seeing our job.
We as the collector just wanna try to did our duty that given by our lecture. So we as a human being, perhaps did mistakes when we construct our job.
Thanks for Salmatian for her suggestion to us.
Thanks for Karmin too that satisfied with our job :)

sari amiliya said...

I agree with the opinion above. A good example of the test. But unfortunately the authors did not include a description and explanation of the purpose of these tests.


Nasmah Riyani_ For Sari, We think our purpose is clear enough.. See in line 1 " The purpose of this project to collect some example of test. In here, there are some test that would be show to the reader. Not only about test that we want to show, but also how we get the test, what level that appropriate with the test, and source of the test " , is it a quotation for our purpose.

And about the explanation we're sorry because we think that we just show to reader the example of test and if the reader wanna construct the kind of test, perhaps, the reader can see our job.

Thanks for your comment, Sist.
We try to show the best :)

Salmatian Safiuddin said...

Good job Nasmariyani, I see that you have already changed it.I like this data. May be Sari Amiliyah has seen your first project. I still recommend you that it will be better if you give brief explanation about the the test after written every test like what our lecturer said that give some explanation for each example of the test will help the readers to have a schemata about the test. Thank You.

zulwan said...

I agree about all comment above, specially Salmatian said.
This is first project so we believe there are still much a shortage of this test, start from there's not explanation about test like salmatian said, but i want to add something or good idea, you can add after test about what level we can use this test or where we can apply this test, with the result that teacher, student or someone need reference about test can use this test can know where they can use this test...

zulwan said...

Hello guys.. i get good file this file about "how to prepare and conduct a pre-test vocabulary test" maybe some of you can be usefull..
you can get in ( )

Anonymous said...

Sorry for being late in responding to group’s work. The tests you provided are varied and that ‘s good. However, there is no explanation of what the tests are and analysis on how they will be used. In addition, it’s not clear your work collaboration as it can be done by only one of you. Can you read my suggestion to group 1 regarding this?

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